Drive Version 2.57.0 was released Apr 17, 2023
- The Kiosk Drop-In Workout button labels can now be configured in Drive under Kiosk Settings
- The club picker drop-down arrow is now hidden for clubs that have only one location
Bug Fixes
The following issues have been corrected:
- PT Leads could not be added to membership contacts that had been added as a Lead or Member Referral within certain parts of the application.
- Users were unable to select 0 questions to be asked on the Kiosk
- SMS number was not always visible under Club Details
- When a user selects an appointment from the Calendar page and selects to complete the appointment. Upon completion the calendar does not display the appts and staff availability until calendar refresh.
The Permit Drop-In Workout toggle was not updating the value correctly causing the Drop-In Workout kiosk page to not show up as expected.
- When a user selects to change the Status filter on the Drive Staff page, intermittently the change from Active to Inactive is not applied.