New Features
Infinite Scroll: You can now view more than 50 items (contacts, to do events, etc) on the To Do list, Opportunities tab, Guest Log and Members & Clients tab. With an infinite scroll, the first 50 items load first for a faster response time. For lists of more than 50, additional items will load when you scroll to the bottom of the list. This helps keep the response rate (loading time) faster, but doesn't prevent you from only being able to to the first 50 items.
Life Cycle Filters: Filters now have an option to select specific Life Cycles. For example, under Opportunities you can view all leads on a Current Trial or all PT Leads with No Appt Booked (within the date range selected).
Paste Content into Converse: You should now be able to more easily paste content into the Converse (Email) composition window.
Converse Preview: Added a preview screen to the Converse (Email) composition window to allow you to view the formatted version. This allows you to see what the email will look like when your contact receives it; a great way to check merge fields and other formatting.
Refresh Contact History KPIs: Added a Refresh icon on each Contact's KPI History section (the KPIs that show the number of Calls, Emails, Texts and Notes)
Update Drop Down Staff lists: Virtual staff, such as Incoming Leads or Partner Service, have been removed from staff drop-down lists.