How to Access the Staff List
Depending on your permission level and club access, you will find the Staff section under the Admin menu. You can use the filters to narrow down what you are looking for (such as Club, Staff Status of active vs inactive), the search bar to find someone in particular, or sort your view by a specific column (such as name or role).
How to Add, Edit and Deactivate Staff
To Add a new staff account, select New Staff in the top right. Use the prompts to fill in each field and select Next to move to each next step. Save once finished.
- Contact: This contains your staff's name and contact information
- Club Access: Select all the locations to which this staff person needs access
- Home Club: Select a Home Club from the locations you selected. A Home Club is the first site this person gets logged into when signing in.
- Login: Add in a username for your staff, a password, and a Role (permission setting).
To Edit a staff account, select the staff's name to open their profile. Below are some common edit functions. Select Update on each section to save your changes.
- Reset a password: Select Staff Details and then Change Password. You won't be able to view anyone's password, but you can set a new password for them.
- Deactivate or suspend: Select Club Access and remove any/all locations in which staff should no longer have access.
- Add or change club locations: Select Club Access. Use the checkboxes on the left to update the sites they should have access to and select a Home Club on the right column.
- Set or Edit Staff Schedule: This allows you (pending permission settings) to set the availability or schedule for this staff person. Click here for more detail on Staff Schedules.
Should my staff have their own account or share an account?
A staff account essentially a login (i.e. a username and password) to your InTouch site. Typically you will add one user/staff account for each individual staff person that needs access to InTouch. However, some clubs do choose to have some users share an account. This is especially common amongst desk staff on a shared computer that don't need to own leads or have their own To-Do list.
Ask yourself these questions. If you answer no to all, it's probably ok for this person to use a shared staff account:
- Does this individual need to own leads or members?
- Do I need reporting on this specific individual's activities?
- Do I need to track any contact history or actions by this individual (e.g. who added or edited a lead)
What if I don't want my staff's mobile numbers added?
Staff mobile numbers are used for text message alerts to staff (if you choose to set these up) as well as merge fields in communication (also only used if you choose to set these up). Though the mobile number field is required for each staff account, some clubs choose to instead add in the club phone number.