Drive Version 2.55.0 was released Sep 14, 2022
- For clubs with high numbers of leads in the kiosk queue, the first 20 loaded and visible in the queue are now sorted by most recent check-in. This way clubs are always seeing the most recent check-in at the top regardless of the number in the queue.
Bug Fixes
The following bugs have been corrected:
- To Do list was not loading more when the user scrolls to the bottom of the page. The call is loading 20 of each event type. The page should load more data and re-sort when the user scrolls to the bottom of the ToDo List if there is any more data to load given the set filters.
To Do | Overdue: I should see all overdue items regardless of the date range selected in the non-overdue To Do filter. I should not have to adjust any filters (or click Apply on the default filter) unless I want to change a club, staff, event or life cycle.
- Live Report | Scheduled Appointments Status (CSV): Should not be including Drop-In Tours, as a Drop-In Tour is an unscheduled visit and not a pre-scheduled visit (ie it's not an appointment).
In various scenarios, the contact KPI for 1:1 text message was not matching the number of texts sent under the Texts tab. Upon investigation, the effected scenario was when a sent was attempted but failed. The KPI has been updated to only show the successful sends.
When the kiosk queue has 20+ New Kiosk Leads, the infinite scroll is no longer working and it won’t load more than 20 at a time.
Communications | Broadcast: The column headers have changed and are not correct. The labels were listed as Status, Actions, Activity when they should be Activity, Status, Actions